vendredi 11 décembre 2009
mardi 8 décembre 2009
mercredi 11 novembre 2009
samedi 31 octobre 2009
Le Duo Scénariste-Dessinateur / The Scriptwriter-Illustrator Team
Un dessin que j'ai realisé l'année dernière, qui caricature ma collaboration avec Erik Svane, scénariste de "Général Leonardo" (inspiré par un célèbre dessin d' Albert Uderzo caricaturant de même sa collaboration avec René Goscinny -collaboration qui a donné naissance à un certain petit Gaulois dont on célèbre les 50 ans en ce moment...). Quand un Scénariste fou, mais passionné, fait équipe avec un Dessinateur fou, mais passionné, ça peut parfois déboucher sur de grandes creations...
This is a drawing I did last year, depicting in a caricatural way my collaboration with Erik Svane, the scriptwriter of "General Leonardo" (inspired by a famous drawing by Albert Uderzo depicting his own collaboration with René Goscinny -collaboration that gave birth to a little Gaul character whose 50 years are being celebrated currently...). When a crazy, but passionate Scriptwriter, makes a team with a crazy, but passionate Illustrator, it can sometimes lead to great creations...
dimanche 19 juillet 2009
General Leonardo : A Creation by Erik Svane and Dan Greenberg
dimanche 10 mai 2009
Zagadon, planche 1 a...
Voici le début d' un éventuel Tome 1 de mon projet de Bande Dessinée de longue date, "Zagadon le flibustier, ou les tribulations d' un pirate raté aux Caraïbes".
Ce sont les premières planches de ma version la plus récente du premier album, que je suis sans cesse en train d' améliorer et de reécrire ( oui, j' en suis l'auteur complet : scénario, dessin, couleurs directes... ).
Le projet me tient énormement à coeur et j' espère qu' il verra le jour très bientôt...
Here is the beginning of a possible Volume 1 of my long time gestating Comic Book series project, called "Zagadon the bucaneer, or the tribulations of a lousy pirate in the Caribbean".
These are the very first pages of my most recent version of the first book, which I am still constantly improving and rewriting ( yes, I am the complete author of it, script, drawings and colors... ).
This project is very dear to me and I hope it will be realized very soon...
jeudi 12 février 2009
Happy Birthday Abe !!

And as a little gift for the visitors of my Blog, here is a page from the first volume of me and Erik Svane's Abe Lincoln Graphic "Biopic", to celebrate the 200th Birthday of this iconic and great President of the USA, which is today, this very 12th of February !!
This page is from a scene depicting the notorious "Almanac Trial" when Lincoln as a lawyer
defends a presumed murderer...
Hope you'll like it...
Abraham Lincoln Graphic Bio

Here is another Character study board of Abe Lincoln I did some months ago, when I started to work on a Biography of the 16th President of the USA in a Graphic Novel form.
It is a great project that my long time friend and colleague Erik Svane proposed me last year, and I am proud and excited to say that we are currently working very hard on the first volume ( 2 volumes are planned ) which will follow the life of "Honest Abe" from his early boyhood to his Election as President !
Of course, we are aiming to have it published in America very soon this year 2009, which is the very year of the Commemoration of Lincoln's 200th Birthday !
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